Dawn spread over Cabot
Cove, a rosy haze on the
eastern horizon that gave way to the sun, which rose and cast a road of fire
across the Sea. The harbor town was just
beginning to stir. Lobster boats were
rigging to set out, and seagulls glided on the breeze against the morning sky
in search of the occasional discarded bit of bait.
Jessica Fletcher
was leaning against the fence that overlooked the harbor, her head on her hand,
watching the morning unfold around her.
"You're up
and about a little early, aren't you?" said a voice, and turning she saw
her friend Dr. Seth Hazlitt walking toward her.
Seth," she said, smiling. "I
might say the same about you."
might," Seth said, "but I have an excuse. Mrs. O'Leary had her baby this morning. It seems that every baby in that family,
including Mrs. O'Leary herself, manages to be born between four and five in the
morning. As if it were genetics or
Jessica smiled
again, and turned back to look at the harbor.
know," he said after a brief pause, "it seems to me that anyone
looking as tired as you has no business being up at the crack of dawn ..."
She stifled a
yawn. "I'm not tired," she
"Fine, have
it your way. Not tired, exhausted."
..." Jessica began in protest, but then she stopped. "All right," she said, "so I
didn't sleep well last night."
"Again? That's the third night this week you haven't
slept well, Jessica."
She looked back
at the harbor, and said, "I just got back from
overwrought," said Seth.
Jessica held her
"Do you want
to talk about it?" he asked.
particularly," she said with forced lightness.
"Good. We'll make it dinner, then, and we can have a
nice private chat about it this evening.
I'll bake a pie - rhubarb all right with you? And you can make some of
your wonderful red codfish chowder. Is
six-thirty okay?"
Jessica stared at
him in amazement. "Seth!" she
exclaimed. "And you have the audacity to claim that I'm stubborn!"
"I'll be
over there tonight then. Be seein' you,
And with that he
wandered off down the sidewalk, hands in the pockets of his tweed jacket. Jessica looked after him with an incredulous
expression on her face, then sighed, cast her eyes Heavenward, and shrugged, a
"what can I do?" gesture.
The midmorning
found Jessica outside in her yard tending to the flowers in her garden. As she was carrying a flat of bedding plants
a cheerful voice hailed her from the street.
morning, Jessica!" It was Loretta
Spiegel, Cabot Cove's best beautician and most notorious gossip. She was riding her bicycle, but hopped off
and leaned it against the fence. "I
was just on my way into work when I saw you outside."
morning, Loretta!" Jessica
returned. "I was just trying to
figure where the garden needs the most help.
I guess it had a rough winter."
laughed. "We all had a rough winter, Jessica," she said. "It's a wonder that anything at all
blooms around here. Say - have you heard
the news about the development?"
Jessica pricked
her ears. "What development?"
"Why, the
one that's supposed to go up north of town.
Apparently some company bought Greeling's Bluff ..."
"The tract
owned by that out-of-town landlord?"
"That's the
one. Anyway, they want to put up a real
spread out there - condos, hotels, the works.
Not that I think it's such a hot idea myself; I happen to like
Greeling's Bluff just the way it is."
"I didn't
even know that the land had been sold," said Jessica.
"Neither did
anybody else! That's the really strange
part about all of this. No one seems to
know anything! I guess it was actually sold
around last September. A lot of us
wondered around that time how Eve Simpson had managed to buy herself such a big
fancy car, but Eve was ... well, uncharacteristically silent about that, and
eventually the rest of the girls and I forgot all about it."
"That's very
odd," said Jessica thoughtfully.
"I mean, why would Eve want to try to keep the sale of the land
because the town is going to throw a royal fit when it finds out what the new
owners plan to do with it," Loretta said.
"Which will probably happen around five o'clock this afternoon, when
the town council holds a public meeting about it."
"A meeting?
This afternoon?"
"Yes. I just found out about it myself yesterday
when Sam's secretary Mabel came in for her weekly manicure. I guess it was called on pretty short notice,
so I'm trying to get the word out.
Something about getting the town's opinions, and final board approval,
and all of that."
"Sounds like
an event not to be missed," said Jessica.
"Oh, I
certainly hope so, Jess," said Loretta.
"There hasn't been anything really good to talk about down at the
beauty parlor for weeks. I'm getting dreadfully bored." She checked her watch. "Well, Ideal'll be down there by now,
waiting for me to open the place up. Are
we still on with that appointment to give you a trim next Monday?"
smiled. "We're on," she
"Good. Well, see you later, Jessica." Loretta said, hopping back on her bike and
heading off down the street.
The late
afternoon sun streamed red through the windows of the First Congregational
Church, where the townspeople were gathering to debate the proposed Greeling's
Bluff project. Jessica made sure to
attend, and was pleased to see that the news had drawn a good crowd - but then,
development issues usually did. Many
residents had already arrived, and more were coming in. On the makeshift stage set up in the front
were seated the mayor, members of the town council, Eve Simpson, her lawyer
Niles Horton, and the various members of the firm known as the Limited: Todd Maddox, Frances Decker, and Bruce Monroe. Mort came in through a side door just before
the meeting came to order, and sat down in a corner chair next to the
Sam Booth
approached the podium, and banged the gavel.
The murmuring of the audience died down into expectant quiet.
voters," said Sam with his usual cheerful grin on his round, cheerful
face. "Sorry to bring this up on
such short notice, but we figured that given the magnitude of the proposal at
stake, we'd better make this meeting of the town council open to the public. Now, I think I'll turn the proceedings over
to Mr. Todd Maddox, senior administrator of - what was it called again, Mabel?
Oh yes - the Limited. They're a
development firm. Mr. Maddox?"
A low rustle went
through the crowd at the mention of the word "development." The town had been troubled more than once by
that word "development."
Todd Maddox
stepped forward and took Sam's place at the microphone. He was in his forties, brown hair and
mustache beginning to be shot with grey, and carried himself with an air of
self-confidence. But to the Jessica’s
eye, he seemed just a little too slick, his smile just a little too shark-like,
to be trusted on appearances alone.
"Thank you,
Mayor," he said. "On behalf of
my colleagues, it is my great pleasure to introduce the dawn of a new age in
Cabot Cove."
"What was
wrong with the old one?" somebody behind Jessica whispered. She had to keep from laughing.
"As some of
you may know already, the Limited, with the help of your own Ms. Simpson, has
just bought the piece of land north of your town known as Greeling's
Bluff. Currently a desolate wilderness
with no redeeming value of its own, just look and see how we plan to transform
A picture on a
stand was set next to him, and with a flourish he removed the sheet that
covered it.
Greeling's Bluff Development Project!" Maddox said. "A two hundred unit condominium complex,
twenty story hotel and recreation center, twelve tennis courts, retail outlet
mall, and the latest in security fence technology. It will be the gem of the Down East
A collective gasp
went though the assembled residents as they took in the sight before them. The blight of the Down East coast was more
like it, Jessica thought. The thing was grotesque. The artist's rendition of the sprawling
buildings portrayed them as garish, making no attempts at all to blend into the
surrounding landscape aesthetically. The
towering hotel would probably be able to be seen many miles out to sea. And the high security fence had a decidedly
"us versus them" look to it.
economic benefits to your community will be immense," Bruce Monroe said,
joining Maddox at the podium. He was a
younger man, with sandy blond hair.
"Several hundred jobs will be created from the construction of the
development alone. Then of course there
will be the benefits of the infrastructural changes needed to support
Greeling's Bluff, such as wider highways leading inland, expanded water and
sewage ... new industries will flock to take advantage of these improvements."
Maureen Galway, a
bank teller, raised her hand. "Will
the community be able to take advantage of the development's amenities, like
the mall and the health center?" she asked.
Bruce Monroe
looked at his feet. "As it stands
now," he said, "the facilities are reserved for the use of the
condominium residents and guests at the hotel.
However, I'm sure something could be worked out so that residents of the
town could obtain memberships for a nominal fee."
Nominal fee,
Jessica thought. By nominal fee he
probably means a hundred dollars a month, or something equally outrageous that
none of us could afford. Had living in
A man stood up in
the back; she recognized Rory Hunter, the manager of the local grocery store. "You mentioned more jobs from the
construction of this thing," he said.
"What about after it's finished?
Will you be hiring local people to help run it?"
A disapproving
murmur circulated through the hall.
"But these
new workers would be patrons at your own local businesses, of course,"
"The way I
see it, they'll be patrons of your own little retail center," someone else
"Yeah - what
good will this do for us in the long term?" Wiley Stokes, a well-respected
lobsterman, said. "Seems to me that
as soon as the construction is finished, we're right back where we started from
- except that we have that ugly thing surrounded by its ugly fence to look at
where there was once a perfectly lovely bluff.
Great for picnics."
There was a
louder voicing of approval, and a few "You tell 'em, Wiley"s scattered
through the audience.
"And what
about the environmental impact?" asked David Marsh, an antique dealer who
was the usual advocate for such issues.
"Has a survey even been done?"
"Well, of -
of course there has," Monroe stammered.
"Good. Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind at all
releasing it to the public."
Maddox smiled and
held up his hands. "Folks, folks
... you bring up some excellent issues, but I guess that you really didn't
understand the point of this meeting.
We're not here to seek your approval; we're merely informing you of what
is already going to happen. The project
is a go; nothing you do here today is
going to halt it. We wanted to keep the
town appraised of what was happening, in the name of good public relations,
nothing more."
was the collective cry.
Mayor Booth
himself was back on his feet and spluttering.
"Mr. Maddox," he said, "that was not the implication given to me and the town board! I thought that nothing would be decided until
the council voted!"
"Well, I deeply
regret the miscommunication, Mayor Booth, but what's done is done. The land has already been bought, and that
area of the township is already zoned for development. I'm really very sorry."
"I'm not so
sure that whole area falls under that development zone." It was Jessica who had spoken up.
really? And what areas do you believe to
be exempt?" Frances Decker asked,
coming forward.
the very place you intend to build, Greeling's Bluff." Jessica rose from her seat so that she could
be heard. "Perhaps 'exempt' isn't
quite the right word. It may be zoned
for development, as you say, but I seem to remember an older law on the books
that prohibits any actual building on the property. I think I ran across it once in my
"Yes! From the time of old Harold Greeling's
death!" said Wiley. "He left a whole pile of money to the
town, but only if they'd pass an ordinance to keep his land forever wild. Is that law really still on the books,
"I don't
know, Wiley," said Jessica, turning to him, "but it shouldn't be too
hard to find out."
For a minute it
looked as if Todd Maddox had lost his mask of cool composure, but just for a
minute; then it snapped back up as unreadable as before. "Well," he said, "that may be
so, but until it can be proven, this project goes forward. We break ground as soon as we accept a
minimum bid. In the meantime, I suggest
that you address your concerns to your town councilmembers, so that they can
discuss with us how to best maximize Cabot Cove's benefit from our
development. This will go much better
for everyone if all of us work together.
All of us." And as he said this he turned his cold stare
on Jessica. She remained unfazed, and returned it, fire for fire.
Maddox averted
his eyes first. "Well," he
said, "I guess that's all we have to say for today. Thank you for hearing us out."
There was no
applause; the crowd began to get to its feet amidst disquiet mutterings. Sam rushed up to the podium to get in a few
last words before the audience had completely dispersed, then practically
leaped off the stage and caught up with Jessica just as she was leaving the
"I don't
know about you, Jessica, but I'm not at all happy with the way things went with
that at all! They sound as if they're
coming in and taking over the place, and I don't like it!"
"I know,
Sam," said Jessica grimly. "I
don't like it either. I think that after
this is over you might want to go over those zoning laws and ask yourself if
they're a little too liberal."
"I'll do
that," said Sam. "I'm all for
a little development, but the voters won't stand for twenty story hotels! Jessica, you've got to find that law!"
Jessica looked at
him. "Me? Sam, you're
the mayor!"
"But I'm a
very busy man, Jessica. Besides, if I go
and dig for that law, people will say that I'm politically motivated."
"But Sam,
you are politically motivated."
The mayor paused
to consider this for a moment.
"Well, you're right there.
Nevertheless, Jessica, I'm appointing you as a committee of one to find
that ordinance so we can stop this before it gets started. People trust you; it'll look better coming
from you. ... That is, unless you
already have plans for tomorrow."
Jessica gave a
short laugh. "No plans that I know
of," she said. "I'm between
books. All right, Sam, I'll come by
tomorrow and try and find your obscure ordinance."
Sam looked
relieved. "I don't mind telling you
that's a load off of my mind. Well, I've
got to get home. Winston gets testy if I
don't take him out for his walk before supper.
Evening, Jessica."
Jessica watched
him go, then shook her head in disbelief, and headed for home herself.
That same evening
found Seth over at Jessica's house, carrying out the long tradition of using
her kitchen to cook a meal together.
"That was a
wonderful pie, Seth," Jessica said as she rose from the dining room table
to clear the dishes. The laser printer
and the stacks of papers which usually resided on it had been pushed aside for
the evening, since Jessica didn't get to use her dining room as a true dining
room very often.
"Ayuh, the
rhubarb came up well this spring, once we finally warmed up a bit. Help you with those dishes?"
"Oh, no, no,
I can manage it, thanks," she said.
She carried the last of them into the kitchen and began to fill the sink
with hot water and soap. Seth followed
her in, and sat down at the kitchen table with his cup of tea.
he said presently. "You’re
suffering from stress.”
Jessica paused in
the middle of wiping a dinner plate and turned to face him. “What makes you say so?” she demanded.
“You’re showing
all the classic signs,” he said matter-of-factly. “Pallor to the skin, insomnia, and now, it
would seem, irritability.”
Jessica said
nothing, but began washing another plate.
“I could go on,”
Seth said.
"There’s no
need to,” Jessica said, wiping her hands on a dishrag and joining him at the
table. "You’ve made your
“You need some
real rest.”
“I’d love to get
some real rest,” Jessica said with growing frustration. “But how can I when I wake up a dozen times
every night with nightmares?”
Seth said, looking at her with growing concern.
“How long has this been going on?”
“The past few
months, I guess. They follow no particular pattern – except that they’re
getting worse.”
“What do you
think they mean?”
“I don’t know.”
"Well, if
it's any small comfort, neither do I. I
figured out a while ago, Jess, that none of the psychology they taught me in
medical school works with you. You can
take that any way you choose."
Jessica smiled to
"The point
is, I want to let you know that if you need to talk about these dreams - and I
think it's a good idea to talk about these sorts of things - well, then, you
know my number."
Seth," said Jessica, taking his hand.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Seth looked at
his watch. "Well, I'd better be going," he said. "Got to get up to the medical
center. I promised Mrs. O'Leary I'd look
in on her one more time before going to bed.
As one of my better patients I suppose I owe her that much."
"Well, give
her and the baby my best," said Jessica.
"I'll do
that," said Seth, and he left by way of the back door.
Jessica watched
him go, then returned to cleaning up the kitchen.
The later evening
found Jessica curled up in a chair by the fire with a book, wrapped in her
robe. She looked up as the clock on the
mantle piece chimed ten o'clock, and decided that it was about time that she
went to bed, even though she wasn't looking forward to it. She closed the book, folded her glasses, and
went upstairs absently. She sat down on
the side of her bed, and scribbled a short entry into her diary. This done, she set down pencil and book on
the bedside table, turned out the light, and climbed into bed. For a long time she stared at the glowing
face of the clock at her bedside, but eventually weariness overcame her, and
she fell asleep.
She had been
tossing and turning for only about an hour when the phone rang and jerked her
back to consciousness. Jessica sat bolt
upright in bed, but for a minute she didn't understand where the sound was
coming from, still confused from the half-remembered nightmare she had been
having. Then she shook her head, and
picked up the phone on the third ring.
she said, running a hand through her tousled hair.
"Sorry to
wake you, Mrs. F. It's Mort
What's the matter?" Mort never
called this late unless there was something very wrong, and she dreaded to hear
what it was this time.
"There's a
fire down at the town offices," the sheriff said. "We don't know how it got started."
"Oh, dear
Heaven," Jessica said in dismay.
"I'll be down as soon as I can."
By the time
Jessica arrived, the town offices were already well ablaze. Fire poured out of the front windows of the
building as the volunteer fire department struggled to contain the flames.
"Oh, this is
terrible, just terrible," Sam Booth wailed to her as she advanced as far
as she dared toward the building, her wide eyes reflecting the glare. "My best set of golf clubs were in
Looking at the
burning structure, Jessica suddenly felt overwhelmed by despair. Hot tears stung her eyes as she watched the
flames lick up the sides of the building.
Abruptly she turned away, and reached out unsteadily for a nearby
telephone pole. She leaned against it
with her arm, and wept bitter tears that she hoped no one would see.
Someone did
see. Seth, who was standing not far off,
was watching as she withdrew, and now approached her. "Jessica?" he asked gently as he
tentatively touched her sleeve.
Jessica raised
her head. Her cheeks were tear-stained,
and Seth was startled by the intensity that burned brighter even than the fire
in her eyes.
"The town
records - as far back as anyone can remember - they were all in there. Everything we needed. And now they're just so much ashes," she
said angrily. Fire exploded out of
another window on the ground floor.
Seth stared at
her. "You think this was
deliberately set?"
"I don't
think so. I know so," she
replied. "And if they think this
will stop us, or that they can get away with this … then they are very sadly
"Come on,
Jess, let me take you home," Seth said.
Jessica shook her
head. "No," she said. "I have to stay here and talk to Mort, to
find out how much was actually lost.
It’s important."
A couple of hours
later the sheriff found her sitting on the curb watching the firemen clean up
with half-seeing eyes. "Mrs.
F," he said.
At the sound of
his voice Jessica surfaced from her private thoughts and rose to face him.
"We just
finished checking over the town offices," Mort told her. "Two of the filing cabinets got away
with only minor fire damage. They
contained more recent stuff, about 1910 to the present."
"What about
the records from farther back?"
Mort sighed.
"Destroyed," he said.
"All of them."
Jessica sank back
down to the curb.
"I know what
you're thinking, Mrs. F," he said.
"We just lost our ace in the hole against Maddox and his
buddies. But we won't know until tomorrow
if this was arson or not."
"Well, would
you let me know when you do find out anything?"
"Sure. What are you going to do now?"
Jessica shook her
head. "I don't know, Mort. But I'll think of something."
The next morning
as Seth and Jessica were walking through town they passed by the charred town
office building. The damage was mostly
confined to the front of the building; fortunately some of the rooms toward the
back had been more or less spared, suffering mostly smoke and water
damage. Jessica paused to watch as the
fire investigators sifted through the ashes, looking for some clue that would
point toward the cause.
said Seth. "Who would do such a
One of the
investigators caught sight of them, tossed aside the shovel he was using to dig
through the rubble, and hailed them.
"Doc ...
Miss Fletcher ... Quite a thing to happen here, isn't it?"
"Yes, Wally,
it is," said Jessica, the anger flaring up in her eyes again as she gazed
upon the building. "Any word yet on
the cause?"
yes," Wally said, wiping the soot off of his hands. "Me and the boys found traces of
gasoline around where we think the fire started. Not a lot, just enough to get things going.
'Course, with all that paper stored up in there, it wouldn't take a lot. I told that to the Sheriff just an hour ago
or so."
"Did you
pick up any other clues?" she asked.
Wally shook his
head. "Nah," he said, "it's been no good. Fire burned real hot, took most of the
evidence with it. Well, I'd better get
back at it. Still a lot of stuff to sift
through. You never know."
Wally," Jessica said, and she and Seth walked on.
"So you were
right," Seth said in a low voice, so he wouldn't be overheard. "It was
said Jessica, "and you can bet that whoever started that fire was someone
with a lot to gain from the development of Greeling's Bluff. Someone who didn't want anybody to find a
reason buried in the town records why they couldn't go ahead with the
"But half
the people in town know that no one can build on that land!" said
Seth. "It's a local legend by
"Yes, but
without any proof on paper what good can a local legend do? It wouldn't stand
up in court for a minute. Unless
"Jessica! Seth!"
Eve Simpson came forward to greet them, a big smile on her face.
"Speaking of
someone with a lot to gain," Seth murmured.
Jessica put on
the best face she could. "Hello,
Eve," she said. "How are
"Oh, I'm
perfectly fine. I wish I could say the
same thing about the mayor's office."
She gave them a conspiratory look.
"You know, down at Loretta's they're saying that they've already
proved that the fire was deliberately set."
"It seems
Loretta's has broken another gossip speed record then," Seth said.
Seth," said Eve. "You're just jealous because Norm the Barber never
tells you anything."
"Don't be so
sure about that," the doctor said dryly.
Eve laughed. "Anyhow," she said, "the
reason I caught up with you is that I'm having a little dinner party tonight for
some of the people involved with the Greeling's Bluff project, and I'd like you
both to come. Say, seven, my
"Well, I
don't ..." Seth began, but Jessica cut him off.
"We'd be
delighted, Eve," she said, silencing Seth with a look. "Seven o'clock sounds perfect."
Eve beamed. "Wonderful," she said. "I have to run now. So much to do before tonight! See you there!" And with that, she was
off down the street.
Seth gripped
Jessica's arm. "Woman ..." he
said by way of protest.
she said urgently, "I want you to go to that party, poke around, see what
you can learn about the people behind this project - and see who in town shows
up that might be sympathetic to their cause."
Seth exclaimed. "Where are you
going to be?"
"At the library,"
she said. "There may be one more
little treasure trove that we can still use to save Cabot Cove."
Jean O'Neil came
over to the table where Jessica was sitting surrounded by old books, and
touched her shoulder. She jumped
slightly, as she was suddenly brought back to the present after being lost for
so long in what she was reading.
"Sorry to
startle you, Jess," the wheel-chair bound librarian said, "but it's
five o'clock and we're closing. I just
thought you'd like to know."
Jessica blinked,
shook her head, and looked at her watch.
"Oh. So it is; how did it
get that late? I don't suppose, Jean,
that if I promised to lock up real tight, I could stay here a little longer,
could I?"
Jean smiled; she
was well used to this. "Sure you
can, Jess. You know where the key
is." She looked at the stack of
books that she had assembled. "What
are you working on, anyway?"
said Jessica, taking off her glasses and stretching, "these are copies of
the town records for as far back as I could find. I figure that if I can find some reference to
Harold Greeling's property trust in one of these books, we might not need those
records from the town hall after all to stop the development. At least, that's
what I hope."
Jean sighed.
"If you can do that, Jess, we'll all breathe a little easier for awhile.
And you'll be the town hero."
"Well, I
don't know about that," said Jessica, blushing a little. "I just want
to do what I can."
"I wish you
luck, then. Good night, Jess. See you
"See you tomorrow,
A few minutes
later she heard the library doors shut, and Jessica was alone in the
library. There was no sound except the
rustling of pages as she continued her feverish search by the light of her lone
desk lamp.
The evening wore
on. Seth reluctantly attended Eve
Simpson's party alone, a social burden that he had agreed to undertake only
because Jessica had been so insistent about putting him up to it. If there was one thing he had learned, it was
to not argue with her when she was in that frame of mind. She had warned him that her search in the
library might carry through dinner, but he couldn't help but keep glancing at
the front door in hopes of seeing her walk in.
Anything to relieve the tedium of making small talk with Eve's guests
and to keep from exploding out with his own feelings about the proposed
Greeling's Bluff project. Jessica had
warned him to hold his tongue about that - "the better for you to
listen," was what she had said.
Easy for her to say; she had the easy part, snooping around the old
files in the library. Books didn't
thrust platters of butterfly shrimp in front of your face at every
turning. Though he did have to admit
that these were quite good ...
Hazlitt!" a voice exclaimed just as he plucked another from a passing
caterer. It was Eve Simpson, wearing a
dazzling smile that would blind the unaided eye. "Where's Jessica? I thought she was
"In the
middle of research, I expect," Seth replied. "She probably lost track of the
time. You know how she gets when she has
a plot by the tail."
"Oh, yes,
wild horses couldn't drag her away from that library," Eve agreed with
enthusiasm. "Well, hopefully she'll
come to her senses before the soup's on."
She spotted Todd Maddox a few paces off, and excused herself from
Seth. "Todd! There you are! I was
afraid you weren't coming. Where is
Maddox looked
slightly distracted. "I - I don't
know, really," he said, looking around the room nervously. "A meeting with the lawyers, I think. Will you excuse me? There's something I have to attend
course," said Eve demurely, and Maddox brushed past her and left the house
without a second glance.
In the library,
Jessica was beginning to weary of her task.
She had been through book after book of records, and had not found
anything so far but a line recording the birth of Harold Greeling. A lack of indices was her problem, she
decided as she started to scan through another book, a small one with a leather
cover, her head propped up on her hand.
And then her
finger stopped moving down the page. Her
eyes went from half-mast to wide and bright as she lifted her head and reread
what she thought she had half-seen.
it," she whispered.
The book was an
old ledger of zoning board proceedings.
"October 24, 1890: The Board
does hereby deny Mr. Nathan Quimby permission to build a feed store on his lot
off of the Old Thoroughfare Road; for though he is the Holder of the deed, the
ordinance of Mr. Harold Greeling does state that the said lot remain in a State
of Perpetual Nature, binding all Descendants and Future Deedholders to this
same Principle ..."
Jessica was so
caught up in reading this and rereading it that the quiet sound of the library
door handle turning went unnoticed.
If the party had
been tedious in its early stages, it grew to be positively unbearable later
on. Seth wandered from group to group
with a cocktail in his hand, trying to glean what he could from the
conversations going on around him. From
what it seemed, there were a lot of contract bidders in attendance, all hoping
to take away a sizable piece of the real estate pie that Todd Maddox and his
associates had promised them. Besides
himself, a few other prominent Cabot Covers had been invited, but they were largely
limited to Sam Booth and some members of the town council, all of whom were
looking a little uncomfortable with the position they now found themselves
in. Even Sam was looking uneasy, despite
the fact that he had his political charm turned up to the max. Clearly, the board was finding it difficult
to make casual conversation with a bunch of outsiders that they didn't know and
weren't sure they trusted. There were
Howard and Ebenezer, questioning Frances Decker about some of the Limited's
past development projects elsewhere along the coast. There was Sam, pumping as many hands as he
could reach, as though by constantly introducing himself he could avoid
engaging in any real conversation with any one person. And then there was Ben Devlin, gliding from
group to group and tucking away everything that he heard. His presence here was obvious; but if Eve
Simpson thought she could wine and dine the press into a favorable editorial,
she would probably have to look elsewhere for someone more impressionable. At least he hoped so. Sometimes it was hard to tell with Ben.
Seth sighed; the
present conversation he was listening to seemed to be mainly lawyer shop talk,
so he excused himself and moved on. He
was just about to take another shrimp hors d'oeurve when a strange feeling came
over him. It was as if the memory of
some old fear had been stirred, and the ticks of the grandfather clock seemed
to be spaced farther and farther apart, like a faltering heartbeat.
A thump and the
rattle of ice stirred him, and looking down he realized that he had dropped his
Eve was across
the room in a second with a napkin to wipe up the spilled liquor from her
hardwood floor. "Seth, are you all
right?" she asked.
"Um, ah,
perfectly fine, Eve," Seth stammered.
"I just wasn't paying attention and the glass slipped right out of
my hand. All this dry weather, you
"How can you
say that with the rain we've been having this spring?" Eve said as she
picked up the ice cubes and plunked them back in the glass for a waitress to
take away. "A few more weeks of
this weather and I just know that my garden will be all drowned out for the
season. Dry? I wish.
Here, let me get you another drink, Seth."
"Ah, no,
Eve, I think I'll pass on that if it's all right by you," Seth said
hastily. He had felt this same sense of
urgency before, but never this intense, and it worried him. "Look, there's something important that
I think I forgot to do at the office.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave."
Eve straightened
up. "So early? But we haven't even
sat down for dinner. Can't it wait
"No, I'm
afraid it can't. It may be an
emergency. I'm sorry, Eve. I'll make it up to you sometime. Wonderful hors d'oeurves. Good evening."
Eve's mouth was
open, but before she could say anything Seth had snatched his coat and hat from
the hall closet and was out the door.
Back at the
library, Jessica was busy returning the books that she had been searching
through back to their places in the stacks.
The one that really mattered was the small book with the old zoning
board notes; she'd just take that one away with her and leave a note for Jean
saying she had borrowed it. She returned
to the table one last time and scooped it up with the last three volumes that
needed to be put away.
Across the
library, a book was knocked over on its shelf by accident. The sound of its fall seemed magnified
tenfold in the silence.
Jessica froze in
the glow of the desk lamp, wide eyes scanning the space. A cold chill ran down her spine. It was probably just a book that had been
shelved improperly, and had picked now to fall over on its side. And yet she was still filled with a fear that
this simple explanation could not dispel.
For many long moments she stood perfectly still, listening as hard as
she could, reluctant to venture out into the darkness. But finally she fought down her rising
terror, stepped out of the circle of light …
… and came face
to face with a crossbow aimed at her at point blank range.
Half way across
town, Seth was driving as he had never driven before, and luckily the sedate
station wagon was up to the challenge.
He ran a stop sign, he took a turn at an unthinkable speed. As he tore down Maine Street, he passed Mort
Metzger, who was stopped at a cross-street intersection. Upon seeing the doctor's car flash past, he
picked up his radio and called back to the Sheriff's Station.
"Yeah, Andy?
I just saw Doc fly past me like a bat outta hell. I'm going to go see if he needs any
help. Maybe tell Floyd to come give me
some backup, will ya?"
Sheriff. Andy out."
Mort replaced the
receiver, turned on his flashing lights, and pulled out into Maine Street after
Seth screeched to
a halt at the curb, ran up the front steps of the library, and flung open the
front door.
he called. "Jess, where are
There was no
Leaving the
library door open, Seth advanced slowly inside, not sure of what he would
find. He could see the light of a desk
lamp, and headed toward it. Then he
rounded the corner of the stacks, and put a hand to his mouth in horror. He was too late.
"Jess! Oh my
God, Jessica!"
She was lying
unconscious and motionless on the floor, the black shaft of an arrow sticking
out of her chest. Blood was already
trickling down from the wound and beginning to form a small pool of crimson on
the floor. Seth knelt beside her,
gathered her up in his arms and touched her cheek, but it was pale and cold,
and she did not wake up. Then he looked
down to where she had been lying, and noticed a book, which he reached over and
picked up. By fate or by design, Jessica
had fallen on top of the all-important zoning board book, and shielded it.
Moments later
there was the sound of sirens and Mort pulled up. He ran up to the library and called to
Seth. "Doc? What is it?"
Seth heard him,
but could not answer him. Mort came
around the stacks and looked down at them; wordlessly, the sheriff removed his
hat and stood there for a moment holding it in his hands.
"I'll send
for an ambulance," he said when he found his voice.
Seth nodded, and
said one word in a choked voice: "Hurry."
Mort went over to
the county hospital as soon as his part in the investigation at the library was
over for the night. He paced around the
waiting room, waiting for Seth, and absently rejected a cup of coffee offered
to him by one of the nurses. The clock
paced slowly through another hour and a half before Seth finally appeared, and
right away Mort knew something was wrong just by looking at him. His friend's head drooped, and he looked
tired and defeated.
"Doc? What happened?"
Seth sighed
heavily, and looked around to see if the nurses were listening. "She didn't make it," he said at
last. "The wound was too deep;
there was nothing I could do."
Mort didn't know
what to say. He rubbed his forehead with
his hand, looked at the floor. "I'm
so sorry, Seth," he said at last.
Seth nodded. "So am I," he said. "So am I."
For a long moment
the two friends stood in silence, each lost in their own private grief. Staff and others in the waiting room watched
them with pity in their eyes. Everything
fell quiet.
said Mort finally, a new sense of determination and purpose rising in the wake
of his sadness, "if Jessica couldn't solve this murder, then Cabot Cove
Seth nodded. "She would want that."
Mort sighed. "I'd like to see her," he said.
"I think
that would be a good idea," said Seth, and he led him down the corridor.
Sam Booth rushed
into the Sheriff Station first thing in the morning. The mayor looked to be in a panic and
distraught, which ordinarily wasn't all that unusual. But his appearance spoke of how much more
serious the situation was this time: Sam
looked positively disheveled, and that was
unusual. His shirt was open at the
collar with no tie, his hair looked like it hadn't seen a comb yet that
morning, and he wore a battered overcoat that looked like he had thrown on
because it was the first item of outerwear that had presented itself.
he said, "is it true what I heard?
That Jessica Fletcher is dead?"
Mort didn't look
much better. He had had a very long
night, and it was doubtful whether he had slept at all. He had been at the station since at least
five that morning, and was now nursing a big mug of hot coffee that was serving
as his first meal of the day.
"Yes, Mr.
Mayor, it's true," he said.
"She was murdered."
Sam paled and
looked stricken. He eased himself into a
chair and passed a hand over his eyes.
"I can't
believe it," he said, "I just can't believe it! Sheriff, this is all my fault!"
Mort put down the
coffee and looked at Sam in amazement.
To hear Sam Booth take personal blame for anything was nothing short of
"What do you
mean, Mr. Mayor?" he asked.
Sam sat up in the
chair, a rare intensity about him.
"It was over that Limited firm, that Todd Maddox and his
friends," he said. "After the
town meeting the other day, I asked Jessica to search through the town files to
find the law that would prevent that godawful development from going up on
Greeling's Bluff."
"Then an
arsonist torched the town offices," Mort said.
"To stop
her, yes!" said Sam. "Only
that wasn't good enough, I suppose, and they killed her!"
"Well, that
would fit," said Mort. "You
see, we found Mrs. F in the library last night.
It seems she was going through the old archives there."
Sam groaned. "Looking for the law in one of the
library's copies of the archival books," he said. "It figures she would. Now do you see what I mean, Sheriff? If I hadn't ordered her to go looking for
that ordinance, she would still be alive this very day!"
"Calm down,
Mr. Mayor," Mort said. "First
of all, have you ever known anybody able to order Mrs. F to do anything she
didn't want to do?"
"Well, no
"So take it
easy on yourself."
"But Sheriff ..."
"You know
what I think this town needs most, Mayor Booth?" said Mort. "Strong leadership. I mean, we have to all pull together, ya
know? First there was this whole big
stink with the Greeling's Bluff development, and that was bad enough. But now someone's killed Mrs. F, probably
someone with some connection to the project, and that makes it personal. Personal for all of us, Mayor, everyone who knew
her. But we can't just all take off in
different directions at a time like this."
no," Sam agreed.
"So what we
need is someone level-headed at the top, someone with direction, so that we can
lick this thing together. You'd be
surprised how inspiring strong leadership can be in a crisis, Mr. Mayor."
"Yeah, sure. Why, just the other day I was telling Deputy
Andy here how inspiring your leadership is from the Mayor's office."
Andy, who at that
moment was passing by behind the Mayor's chair with a stack of reports, rolled
his eyes.
"And that's
just where that leadership should stay, Mr. Mayor. In the Mayor's office," Mort said,
getting up from behind his desk, and coming around to Sam. He helped him up and walked him to the door. "So if I were you, I'd go to your office
and stay there, and if you hear anything more from anyone in the Limited, or
anyone even remotely connected with that development, you just give me a
"But Sheriff
..." Sam protested.
"Not now,
Mayor," said Mort. "No time
for it. The sooner you start leading,
the sooner we'll have this all wrapped up."
"Well, all
right," said Sam, with what sounded like new resolve. "I'll let you know if I learn
anything. And Sheriff," he said, turning as he reached the door,
"if you need any personal leadership, don't hesitate to pick up the phone."
Mort smiled. "I'll remember that," he said, and
shut the door behind Sam.
"Whew," he said, shaking his head, and he headed back to his
desk to go back to work.
At the Hill
House, the members of the Limited had also heard the reports. Todd Maddox broke the news over breakfast
with his partners.
"I just
heard it from the front desk clerk," he said. "That meddling writer was killed last
night. Guess we won't have to deal with
any more interference from that direction."
travels fast in this town," Bruce Monroe commented idly, taking a sip of
his orange juice.
"Todd, what
an awful thing to say!" Frances Decker said.
Maddox poured
cream into his morning coffee. "Oh,
come on, Frances, you've got to realize that this is the biggest break we've
had with this project since we bought that land."
right," said Monroe. "You know
as well as I do that after that disaster with the town meeting, she was the
biggest obstacle standing in our way.
The only obstacle, in
fact. And Frances, if this project goes
down, we all go down with it. Then it's
good-bye to that house of yours on Fire Island.
Think about that." He took a
bite out of a cranberry muffin.
said Frances, "it seems terrible to talk about it that way. I mean, someone has died! And all you guys can think about is how good
it'll be for business! Is this how you
deal with all your little 'obstacles'?"
Monroe's face
clouded with sudden annoyance.
"Frances, I don't think I like what you're suggesting," he
Maddox held up
his hands and so got between them in the blossoming argument. "Guys, guys, please," he said. "Nobody is suggesting anything about
anybody. Some of us are just a little
more pragmatic about windfalls from unexpected sources, that's all. Yes, it's a terrible thing that Jessica
Fletcher got herself killed. But there's
nothing to be gained by sitting around wringing our hands about the
tragedy. Besides, it was none of our affair."
"None of our
affair? Todd, you just said that she was
the only thing standing in the way of the development!"
"Yes, but
who's to say that the two things were connected? Look how many enemies she must have made over
the years. Something was bound to happen
some time."
"It was just
bad luck that it happened while we were here," Bruce said, spreading
butter on half of an English muffin.
"Yeah? Well, the way I see it, we're the most recent
enemies she made. Are you sure that
someone didn't just decide to help our cause along by doing us a favor? I don't mean one of us," she added
hastily. "I mean, someone in the
town. Like that real estate agent, Eve
said Maddox.
right. Or her lawyer, Niles
Horton couldn't kill a horsefly."
"Oh, I don't
know," said Bruce, stabbing a forkful of egg. "I'll bet that beneath that tweedy
exterior lies the heart of a desperate, unpredictable animal."
His remark met
with general laughter from his partners.
They were interrupted when one of the waiters approached their table,
carrying a cordless phone.
"Excuse me,
Mr. Monroe?" he said.
"Telephone for you."
Monroe took the
phone and waved the young man off.
"Monroe here ... yes ... How soon? ... Terrific. We'll count on it, then. Thanks."
He pushed down the phone's antenna and turned to Todd and Frances with a
big smile on his face. "That was
the contractor," he announced.
"He says they'll be ready to break ground on Greeling's Bluff on
Monday. We're back in business
The mood at
Loretta's was subdued, if not positively somber.
"I just
can't believe she's dead," Ideal Malloy said, as she dabbed her eyes with
a tissue while sitting under a hair dryer.
"I wonder what happened."
"Oh, Ideal,
don't be so grotesque!" Phyllis Grant, Cabot Cove's travel agent,
chided. "Really, to ask such a
"It's a
valid enough question, I suppose," Loretta sighed from where she stood
working on Eve Simpson's hair. "I
mean, you can't deny that you're all dying to know."
all? What about you?" Phyllis said.
"I already
know," Loretta said simply.
Ideal's eyes
widened in amazement. "Loretta, you
mean you know who did it?"
"No, no, I
never said that. All I meant was that
Lynette Mason was in here this morning to get her nails done. She was working the night nursing shift over
at the hospital, and she told me that she overheard the sheriff say that
Jessica had been shot, and he was going right back over to the library to
Ideal repeated. "Oh, how awful!"
always hated guns," Phyllis said wistfully. "It would just figure that one would ...
Ideal, give me one of your spare tissues, would you?"
that's what happened," Loretta concluded.
"You wanted to know."
Sheriff Metzger going to do? Without
Jessica, I mean?" Eve said. "She
can't very well help him solve her own murder."
Loretta shrugged,
put down her scissors, and picked up a comb.
"Well, this mystery won't be that difficult to solve, I'd
expect. I mean, you figure that it just
has to be one of those people from away connected with that big development
they want to put north of town - what're they called again, Eve?"
Limited," said Eve.
"Right. The
Limited. Those folks."
"What makes
you say that, Loretta?" Ideal asked.
"Think about
it, Ideal. First the town offices are
set on fire. Then Jessica gets herself
killed. And what's the only
connection? That ordinance that they
brought up at the town meeting! I
overheard Mayor Booth ask Jessica to go digging to find that law and save Cabot
"Then this
is all Sam Booth's fault," said Phyllis, not in a mood to be
reasonable. "Wouldn't that just
figure. Now she's dead, and the town's
doomed anyhow."
Eve was very
Jessica," said Ideal.
Phyllis blew her
nose noisily. "Cabot Cove just
won't be the same without her."
"Sheriff, I
really must protest!" Ben Devlin
was stalking around his office like a caged animal, waving an
unobtrusive-looking piece of paper around in his hand.
"I'm sorry,
Mr. Devlin," Mort said, "but an order is an order, and this one comes
straight from the county seat. No news
story concerning Mrs. Fletcher's death, not so much as a listing in the
obituaries, is to appear in the Gazette
until my investigation is complete."
haven't you ever heard of freedom of the press?
Or the the First Amendment?"
Mort leaned on
the desk. "Look, Ben," he
said, dropping the formalities, "I know you were Mrs. F’s friend. So was I.
And I know you want nothing more than to give her some kind of fitting
memorial, but if you do that, it could shoot this whole investigation straight
to hell. And I know that is not what she
would have wanted." He picked up
the court order from where Ben had tossed it on his desk. "Sure, you could defy this. And you could probably get away with it without
even having to defend yourself in court.
A leak, or an anonymous source, or something like that. But would you really want to, if you knew it
might mean her killer would get away?
Think about it, Ben." And he
turned to leave.
The newspaper
editor was silent for a moment. Then,
just as Mort reached the door, he spoke.
"You won't
have to worry about word of this getting into the paper, Sheriff," he
said. "I'll see to it
Mort paused and
turned around. "I appreciate it,
Mr. Devlin."
Ben sighed. "And what's more, I'll even try to help
you out on this one. I have friends at
papers up and down the East Coast. I'll
make a few calls, do a little digging, and see if I can find out anything about
these folks from the Limited. They are
at the top of your suspect list, I assume?"
"Up there
among others," Mort said.
"That would be a big help."
"I'll get
back to you, then," said Ben, and with that assurance Mort left the
newspaper offices.
Mort's first stop
after the Gazette was to visit Eve
Simpson. She was at her real estate
office, with her big still-new car parked out front.
morning, Sheriff," she said as he came in.
"I just got back from having my hair done, and I heard about poor
Jessica. What a terrible thing to happen
to her! Of course, I guess it's amazing
that it didn't happen long before now, isn't it."
"Well, if
you know then I guess all of Cabot Cove knows by now," said Mort. "Ms. Simpson, I came to ask you some
questions, if you have a few moments."
"Of course,
Sheriff," Eve said. "What do
you need to know?"
"What do you
know about these people from the Limited?"
Eve leaned
forward on her desk. "Well,"
she said, "Todd Maddox approached me last September about the land at
Greeling's Bluff, north of town. The
land had been listed for a couple of years, and the owner, who lives in
Massachusetts, was getting anxious to unload it, so we moved the offer through
quickly and sold it to Maddox's firm.
They wanted it to develop. The
only problem," she said, her voice
taking on an ironic note, "was that they put aside all of their resources
for the purchase and the actual construction, and didn't pay me my full
"Was that a
big problem for you?" Mort asked.
"You bet it
was!" Eve said. "I bought a
new car on the promise of that commission.
But I have yet to see it! My
lawyer, Niles Horton, is negotiating with them, but so far the only answer
we've gotten is that they'll pay me the rest of the commission once the project
is finished and it starts making money, not before."
"So you
really want to see this development go through."
"Oh, yes,
Sheriff. But not just because I have a
lot of income riding on it. I believe
that it really will be the best thing for Cabot Cove. Everyone will see what I mean once the
project is finished."
Mort sighed. "Don't take this the wrong way, Ms.
Simpson," he said, "but where were you the evening that Mrs. F was
"Oh, that's
easy," said Eve. "I was
hosting a large dinner party at my house.
I wanted the town council to have a chance to really get to know the
people they would be working with on the Greeling' Bluff project, so I invited
them and the Limited partners, and some prominent contractors, among
"Can anyone
vouch for you being present the whole time?"
"Well, there
were so many people," said Eve.
"I'm sure that no one saw me for the entire time. .... Why, Sheriff, surely you don't think I had anything to do with Jessica's
death, do you? What a ridiculous
thought!" She laughed.
"I'm just
trying to get my job done," said Mort, trying not to look as annoyed as he
felt. "Thanks, Ms. Simpson. Be seeing you."
Sheriff. Anytime."
This done, the
sheriff went in search of the Limited, and caught up with them in front of the
Hill House.
"Excuse me,
gentlemen, ma'am," he said, getting out of the patrol car.
"Oh, there
you are, Sheriff," Bruce Monroe said.
"We were just going to look for you. We heard the news about Mrs. Fletcher just
this morning."
"Yes, a
terrible thing to have happened," said Maddox. "Sheriff, we demand that you take prompt
action to clear up the matter of her death and arrest whoever was
An expression of
disbelief crossed the sheriff's features.
"You demand?"
"Yes. As the vanguard of the development of Cabot
Cove's future, we feel that it's our duty to contribute whatever leadership we
can in making sure that this community is kept safe."
"And it's
image kept clean, I suppose?"
course. A good town makes for good
business," Maddox said. "We're
going to be neighbors, the Greeling Bluff Development and this village. And neighbors should look out for each
other's best interests."
Mort tried his
best to bite back his growing anger, and just barely succeeded. "Yeah.
Well. I hope you won't mind then
if I ask you a few questions."
"Go ahead,
Sheriff," said Frances pleasantly.
"Well, for
starters, would you all mind telling me where you were last night between seven
and nine PM?"
"Not at
all," said Bruce. "I had a
late conference-call meeting with the lawyers from the firm, discussing a
last-minute bid offer from another contractor.
Since it beat out our previous lowest bid by a substantial margin, I
felt it was worth sacrificing Ms. Simpson's dinner party."
"And your
lawyers can substantiate this?"
"That might
be difficult, Sheriff, since they are now currently out of the country."
"As for
myself, I was at Ms. Simpson's party the entire evening," Frances
said. "I was trying to convince
your town fathers of the wisdom in smoothing the way for our development."
"Um-hm. And what about you, Mr. Maddox?"
"Well, I was
at the party for most of the time, and then I had to step out for awhile, to
make a phone call of my own. I had
forgotten that I had promised to leave instructions with my secretary back in
New Jersey concerning a certain proposal whose deadline was today."
"Eve Simpson
says that you were gone from her party for about an hour."
"Well, I had
to go back to my room at the Hill House to find the number first, and then I
still had to place the call on my cellular phone and dictate my instructions to
the secretary."
"You had to
go and look up the number for your own office?"
actually, I called her at home," Maddox admitted. "Receiving assignments during
non-business hours is something my secretary has come to expect from me. I don't admit to being the most organized
person in the world, Sheriff."
"I can see
that," said Mort, making a note.
"Well, that'll be all for now, I guess. But do me a favor and don't make any trips
back to your home office any time in the near future, okay?"
"We wouldn't
dream of it, Sheriff," Frances assured him. "Come on, Bruce, Todd, we need to get
out to the site to find those papers."
She and Bruce
went on ahead, but Todd Maddox hung back for a minute. "Sheriff," he said, "I just
wanted to express my condolences to you.
I grew up in a small town myself, so I know how everybody tends to know
everybody else. I assume that Mrs.
Fletcher was a friend of yours."
said Mort, a bit uncomfortable, "she was."
"And struck
down with a crossbow arrow," Maddox went on. "What a way to go. Look, if there's anything we can do, just let
us know."
"Well, we're
trying to get to the bottom of it," Mort said, not buying Maddox's
patently false sympathy for a moment.
"We'll be in touch."
Todd Maddox
hurried up the street after his partners.
As Mort watched him go, his deputy Andy came out of the inn.
he said, "I checked with the desk clerk.
He says that he didn't see any of them come into the Hill House last
night between seven and nine, but that there was about an hour there when no
one was out front watching the desk."
technically Maddox could be telling the truth," Mort said. "I don't know, Andy. Neither Bruce Monroe or Todd Maddox has a
good alibi. And I know Eve Simpson's
parties - she invites half the population of the town to them, so it's real
easy to sneak in and out if you have to.
That puts holes in Frances Decker's story as well."
"Not to
mention Eve Simpson's," Andy commented.
"Yeah, I
suppose so," Mort said. "Come
on, we'd better get back to the station."
Seth pulled up in
front of Jessica's house in his station wagon.
He had felt too heavy-hearted to go there, but someone had to, if only
to make sure that the place was all right.
That someone, he had figured in the end, had better be him. And so he went.
He got out of the
car, and went to the mailbox. There
wasn't much there; a letter from Grady's family, another postmarked from
Manhattan that was probably sent by one of her friends down there, a circular
from a local store, a little junk mail.
Tucking these things under his arm, he opened the front gate and went
Inside the house
was very quiet. Seth put the mail on the
kitchen table, then filled the watering can near the sink and started to water
the plants in the living room. He was in
the middle of doing this when there was a knock at the door.
Seth looked up in
surprise, wondering who could possibly be calling at a time like this, then went
to the door and opened it. It was Eve
she said as she swept inside. "I
can't tell you how sorry I am. I saw
your car here as I was passing by, and I just wanted to stop and offer my
condolences. What are you doing here,
"Well, I - I
was just watering the plants," he said, gesturing to the watering can that
he was still holding. "No sense
letting everything go to seed here."
"No, I
suppose not," said Eve. "This
can't be very easy for you, though," she continued, going down the steps
into the living room and looking around.
no," Seth admitted, "but Jessica was a very close friend, and I
suppose I owe her this much."
said Eve, with a knowing smile on her face.
"You and Jessica were quite close.
Quite." She turned around
and seemed to radiate warmth.
"Doctor, we all know how you felt for Jessica."
Seth looked
confused. "Pardon?"
"Oh, you can
be honest with me," Eve said.
"We all know that there was more than simple friendship involved
between the two of you. Believe me, we
"Who is we?"
everyone! The girls at the beauty
parlor, at least. And now that she's
gone, there's no need for the secrecy anymore.
Really, the best thing you can do now is to talk about it, Seth. Open your heart up to someone you can
"And I
suppose that you have yourself in mind?"
"Well, I ...
said Seth, setting down the watering can and assuming an authoritative stance,
"I don't know who the original source of this little rumor of yours is, or
how far back it goes, but I regret to inform you that you are dead wrong. Jessica Fletcher and I were friends, very
close friends. Best friends, I suppose
you might say. But that’s all. And beyond that, I'm afraid I have nothing
more to contribute to the gossip mongers at Loretta's!"
Eve looked
disappointed, and the warmth faded from her features. "Well, if that's the way you feel,"
she said, and returned to examining the books on the living room shelves. "It's really too bad that she will never
see the finished development on Greeling's Bluff," she commented idly. "Too bad that she'll never see the proof
that we were right and Cabot Cove will be the better off for it."
remains to be seen," said Seth, sloshing some water into a hanging basket.
Eve laughed
lightly. "I wonder if there really
was an ordinance that forbade anyone from building on that land," she
said. "I mean, that was what she
was looking for, wasn't it? Something to
use as an excuse to stop the Limited? I
guess we'll never know if she was on to something."
"I wouldn't
be so sure," said Seth, as he emptied the last of the water from the
pitcher and headed back to the sink with it.
"Just because she didn't deliver anything into Sam Booth's hands
before she died doesn't mean it isn't out there to be found ... or that she
didn't leave instructions behind as to where to find it."
Now it was Eve's
turn to look confused. "What do you
mean?" she asked, following him
into the kitchen.
"I mean that
Jessica was pretty particular about her research. She typed notes to herself all the time when
there was something she might need to remember later. I'd imagine that there's all sorts of
interesting leads on that laptop computer of hers. 'Course, I wouldn't know where to begin
looking. Sheriff Metzger said he might
have a crack at it tomorrow, when he gets a moment."
he," Eve said absently.
"Ayuh. Somewhere out there, there's a book with just
what she was looking for in it, I'd bet."
"Oh, I doubt
that," Eve said. "All this talk about Greeling's
Ordinance has to be just a myth, some rumor cooked up a hundred years
"This isn't
Joshua Peabody we're talking about here.
And since when have you been one to question the validity of a
rumor?" asked Seth, turning to look at her over the tops of his glasses.
Eve laughed
again. "That's where I have the
advantage, Doctor," she said.
"You have to know which rumors are worth spreading, and which
aren't. If you went to Loretta's more
often, you'd know the difference. Anyhow,
I must be off. Remember, if you ever
need to talk, I'm here for you."
remember that," said Seth.
As Eve opened the
door to go, Seth called to her one last time.
"Eve," he said, "as I recall, Jessica pulled your bacon
out of the fire on more than one occasion.
So if I were you, I'd not go around spreading your rumors. To do so would be … well, it would be a
dishonor to her memory."
The remark struck
home; Eve looked back with a troubled look on her face. She opened her mouth as though to say
something, but then changed her mind,
turned, and went out the back door.
That same
afternoon found Eve and her lawyer Niles Horton in a closed door meeting with
the members of the Limited.
Maddox," Horton said, "I am here to warn you for the last time that
if you do not come up with the money for Ms. Simpson's commission from the sale
of Greeling's Bluff, we will be forced to begin litigation against your
"You said
that last month, and the month before that," Maddox said with a casual
wave of his hand. "And I'm telling
you again, we won't be able to come up with the commission money until after we
start selling units. You knew that. You signed all the paperwork anyway."
"You could
have paid her the money you owe with a loan backed by good credit," Horton
countered. "It is beginning to look
to me like you don't have credit of any sort."
where you're wrong," said Bruce Monroe, sitting forward in his chair. "We have the best credit anyone could
want - we have a contract with a new lowest bidder who can build us three times
the development that we originally thought we could put up with our original
bid, just as we hoped. That means that
condos that would have rented for four hundred dollars will now go for eight,
nine hundred. We'll have our original
investment back faster than we had ever dreamed, and then you'll get your
commission, not before."
"This is
unacceptable," Horton said.
"It's the
way it is, Mr. Horton," said Frances Decker. "All of our funds are currently tied up
with this project. We're telling you we
won't have the money until after we start renting units, and nothing is going
to change that. So you can accept that
and be patient until we can pay you, or you can take us to court ... in which
case the project might be stopped in its tracks, and if that happens, you'll
never see a dime."
Horton backed
off, frustrated. "Eve, what do you
think?" he asked.
Eve, who had been
uncharacteristically quiet during the exchange, looked up suddenly as thought
she had been lost in her thoughts.
"I think it may not matter in the end," she said in a defeated
tone. "It seems that Jessica
Fletcher may have been on to the real Greeling's Ordinance after all. Doctor Hazlitt told me that she may have left
notes as to where it could be found. If
that's true, this whole project may be finished anyway."
"Notes? What do you mean? Where?"
Monroe asked.
"I don't
know," said Eve, getting frustrated in turn. "In her house, I guess. On her computer. Where else?"
said Monroe. "Just when we thought
we were out of the woods on that damn ordinance, and now this. That Fletcher woman won't leave us alone even
from the grave."
"Now, now,
don't panic," Maddox said.
"We'll take this as it comes.
No sense getting tied up in knots over some possible notes that might
point to the existence of a supposed
law. After all, she's dead. What kind of threat could she possibly pose
to us now?"
The others
weren't so sure, and Bruce and Frances exchanged worried glances. Eve went back to staring stonily out the
window. Niles Horton shrugged and began
shoving papers back into his briefcase.
Wiley Stokes was
an observant man, the sort of lobsterman who survived because he knew how to
listen to the wind and read the sky for changes in the weather, and who could
tell if the lobsters would be on the move just by the color of the sea and the
direction of the waves. At sunset he
could still be found at dockside, arranging his traps and straightening his
lines. But even when he seemed
completely absorbed in his work, Wiley was listening; he had learned a long
time ago that there were definite advantages to blending into the background,
at least as far as people from away were concerned. Many tourists never stopped to considered
that this particular piece of scenery was actually hanging on to their every
That was the case
this evening, when two men came down to the docks seeking privacy for what
apparently was supposed to be a secret meeting.
"I thought
you said that this ordinance thing was a myth!" the first voice said.
"I did. And it's true! And even if there ever was such a law on the
books, it doesn't matter now because those books went up in that pretty bonfire
the other night."
Wiley ducked
behind a pile of lobster traps as the two men paced slowly toward him and his
boat. He held his breath, listening, but
they never saw him.
"Well, if
what Eve Simpson says is true, that fire may not have done as thorough a job as
we needed," said the first man.
"How can we be sure that there isn't some clue that Jessica
Fletcher left behind?"
"I wouldn't
worry about it."
"I am worried about it! Sooner or later it'll turn up, and they'll
track down the ordinance in some obscure book we never thought to look for or
couldn't find, and then it'll be all over!"
The men had been
stopped right in front of Wiley's hiding place.
There was a long pause, during which Wiley was afraid to breathe.
"I'll take
care of it," the second voice said at length.
said the first man. "We can't
afford to let anything get in the way
of this development. Not after
everything we've invested."
The second man
chuckled softly. "Can't afford to
let anything get in the way?" he
said. "Why, you sound like a man
desperate enough to ... "
Looking through a
gap between two of the wooden traps, Wiley could see the owner of the first
voice grab the second man roughly by the shoulder. "I didn't kill her," he said.
"I never
said you did," the second one said mildly as he disengaged the hand from
his overcoat.
The first,
slightly placated, let go without resistance and walked a couple of paces away
to cool down.
"I suppose
that it is remotely possible that the fire didn't cover all the bases,"
the second man admitted. "But don't
worry. One way or the other, we'll
either find this ordinance record and destroy it, or at least satisfy ourselves
that it was just a local legend.
The first man let
out a noisy breath. "Fine," he
said, and stalked away into the gathering dusk.
His companion
watched him go. Then he pulled a
cellular phone out of his pocket, flipped it open, and dialed a number. Wiley listened closely as he spoke.
"A decision
has been reached," he said.
"There's ten thousand in it for you if you'll just do a little job
for us. ... No, nothing like that. Just
a little information retrieval, that's all. ... My, but you are a fast
guesser. You must have read my
mind. Can you do it tonight? ...
Excellent. We'll wait for your report in
the morning. ... Good. ... Fine."
He hit a button, and hung up.
Then he put the phone back in the pocket of his overcoat, and sauntered
back along the dock toward the ramp.
Wiley didn't move
until he was certain that he heard the man's car drive away. Then he stood up with a thoughtful look on his
face, and went back to sorting the lines on his lobsterboat as though nothing
out of the ordinary had happened.
One might say
that for Cabot Cove, nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
It was late in
the evening when Seth and Mort went over to Greeling's Bluff and approached the
trailer that was acting as the Limited's on-site office.
"I don't
know why we have to be doing this here late at night," Seth muttered. "Seems to me daylight would have worked
just as well ... you do have a search warrant, don't you?"
"Right here,
Doc," said Mort, patting the paper in the breast pocket of his shirt. "Judge Baldwin had it sent over an hour
ago. And we would have had to wait til
tomorrow, except that luckily the judge is a fan of Mrs. Fletcher's books."
Seth rolled his
"This way is
better," Mort said as he examined the lock on the door of the
trailer. "The way I figure it, if
we have a look around now, they don't have time to come out here and do any
tidying up." He took a key out of
his pocket, fitted it to the padlock, and undid it.
It was dark
inside the trailer, but Mort found a desk lamp and switched it on. The trailer was littered with papers and
manila folders.
"Any idea
what we're looking for, Sheriff?" Seth asked.
Mort shook his
head. "Nah. I figure we'll find it when we find it. Jessica did this all the time, right?"
Seth sighed. "Whenever she got the chance," he
said, and began sifting through photocopies.
Mort began to go
through the papers that had been left out on a desk at one end of the room, and
he didn't have far to go before something caught his eye.
"Look at
this, Doc," he said. "Canceled
bank checks." He flipped through
the stack. "And it looks like a lot
of these bounced. Look here - here's one
from a bank in Atlantic City, here's one from Portland, here's a whole bunch
from Virginia Beach.."
"Sounds like
somebody was having some financial difficulties," said Seth.
"Yeah, but
if that's true, why plunge into a whole new project in Cabot Cove? Why not get your business's finances in order
business people don't think like ordinary human beings," said Seth. "That's one reason why I became a
"Yeah, Doc,
you would have made a lousy business person," Mort said, not looking up
from the checks.
Seth looked up
with mild annoyance. "Well, that's
not what I meant," he said.
"Certain amount of business goes into running a practice, after
all. Not many people appreciate
"I hear you,
Doc," said Mort, who was actually barely listening. He reached down and picked up a
photograph. It was black and white, and
showed an unfinished high rise on a barren.
Stuck to it was a post-it note.
"Bank will foreclose in six months," the handwriting on it
something, Sheriff," said Seth. He
held out a folder. "It's the
various proposals for the development."
Mort took the
folder and flipped through it.
"Hey, this is weird," he said.
"The earlier plans call for a much more modest building plan. Look here - this was dated last year, and it
just calls for the tennis courts and half as many condos, no hotel, no
mall. Now here's one dated this year,
with more condos and a small motel."
"And here's
the most recent one, with all the bells and whistles," Seth pointed out,
"and the rest, as they say, is history."
Mort flipped
through the design proposals again.
"I don't get it," he said.
"I thought that when development firms hit money troubles, they
scaled back their projects. These guys
seem to have gotten ideas of grandeur instead!"
"Got me,
Sheriff," Seth said, and shrugged.
Mort and Seth
went back to Jessica's house early next morning. They had just entered the back porch when
Seth stopped suddenly.
"Look at
that," he said, pointing. The glass
in the window pane to the back door had been broken, leaving a jagged hole.
Mort drew out his
service revolver. "Stand back,
Doc," he said, and after listening closely, he opened the kitchen door
very carefully.
everything was a wreck. Drawers had been
pulled out and emptied, cabinet doors swung open. Things were no better in the dining room, or
the living room. But it was evident that
no one was there now, so the sheriff put away his gun.
Seth looked
around at the mess. "If I had a
dollar for every time somebody came in here and wrecked this place, I could
retire!" was his comment.
Mort looked
around the living room, trying not to step on anything. "Looks like someone was busy over here
while we were out searching that trailer last night," said Mort. "See anything missing, Doc?"
Seth was looking
at the picture of Jessica and Frank, which he had picked up from the
floor. He replaced it on the mantelpiece
with reverence. Then he had a thought -
"Her computer!" he said. He
went into the dining room to search for it, but didn't find it.
"Her laptop
computer is gone, far as I can tell," he told Mort. "She kept it on the dining room table
with the rest of this stuff."
printer's still here," Mort said, "so's the modem. So whoever did this didn't do it for
robbery. Was Mrs. F keeping any
important information on her computer, Doc?"
"I don't
know, she might have been," he replied.
"But not concerning this case.
I told Eve Simpson a tall tale that maybe she might have been keeping
notes on it, but I know it wasn't true.
Of course, our perpetrator just might be the paranoid sort of fella who
would take the computer anyway, just to be sure. No telling how many people Eve told that
rumor to."
yeah," said Mort. He looked around,
surveying the damage. "I'm kind of
glad Mrs. F isn't around to see this; she'd have a fit."
Seth righted a
dining room chair and nodded.
"There may
be some clues lying around outside," Mort said as they went outside
again. "Footprints, or
something. I'm going to have a look
around before Andy gets here."
Helen and Lillian
Appletree, the two elderly sisters who were among Cabot Cove's most renowned
gardeners and purveyors of cider and preserves, were to be found walking side
by side along Candlewood Lane with a basket full of gardening tools and plant
"I hope that
we don't catch Doctor Hazlitt there," Lillian said in a worried voice.
"Why should
it matter?" her sister retorted.
"We're just doing the neighborly thing. Someone has to look after all of her gardens
- for a little while, anyway. And Doctor
Hazlitt ... well, he's a man, and while he might have the best of intentions,
he really can't manage a garden the way we can."
"I suppose
not, Helen," Lillian said.
"Isn't it just awful, though!
I still can't quite bring myself to believe it."
"Neither can
I, Lillian dear. Look, we're in such
luck," Helen said as they approached the gate. "No one is here at the moment."
good," said Lillian. "Let's
get started."
The two ladies
went into the yard and around to the back, where they put on their gardening
gloves and each took a trowel.
"Just look
at how these weeds have already gotten a foothold in here!" Helen exclaimed, and began to pull them out
vigorously. Then something caught her
eye beneath one of the young rose bushes.
It was a little glint of golden metal.
She paused, picked it up, and examined it, turning it in the
sunlight. It looked like a little brass
"Why, what
have you found, Helen?" Lillian asked from where she was cheerfully raking
over footprints in the herb garden.
"I don't
know," said Helen thoughtfully, "but we'll show it to Sheriff Metzger
the very next time we see him." She
put it in the pocket of her apron.
"Meantime, back to work, Lillian dear!"
It was an unusual
gathering that took place in the Cabot Cove Coffee Shop, and a fairly large
one, such that Hannah had to put together four tables so that they all would
fit. She had closed the shop to keep the
gossip down to a minimum, after quietly passing the word that had summoned the
assembly here at Seth and Mort's request.
At the head of
the table sat Sheriff Metzger, with the doctor at his right hand. Also there were Ben Devlin, Helen and Lillian
Appletree, David Marsh, Floyd, and Andy.
Hannah herself took a seat at the other end of the table. They were just about to begin, when Wiley
Stokes walked into the shop, looking like he had hurried to get there.
"I just put
in only a half day haulin' traps so I could be here," he said. "Lost a bit of revenue, but I figure
some things are more important."
Mort exclaimed. "How did you know
... oh, never mind."
"You got
something, Wiley?" Hannah asked.
"Sure do,
ma'am," Wiley said. "May I
take a chair?"
yourself," said Seth.
Mort looked
around the table at his friends and neighbors.
The determined look that he saw in all of their eyes told him that they
knew why they were here - to avenge, if they could, the death of their common
friend, and finish the battle which she had begun.
right," he said. "We all know
each other, so we can skip the formalities.
What have you all found out?"
"I checked
with one of my friends at the state DEC office in Augusta, Barry
Woodbridge," David said. "He
said that there was an environmental report done on the impact of the
Greeling's Bluff development on the surrounding area. At first everything checked out; the project
was not big enough to cause too many problems, and the state approved it. But what he described to me was not what we
all saw in the town meeting!"
"Let me
guess," said Mort. "He saw a
report on a few condo units and some tennis courts."
"Exactly! There was nothing in it about the potential
impact of malls or hotels. The DEC had
never given its approval seal to those.
Barry was pretty surprised when I told him about the 'improvements' that
seem to have been added on to the proposal since it crossed his desk. Anyhow, he did a little digging for me, and
when he called me back, he told me that a revised proposal had been submitted
to the state, but without an environmental impact report. The Limited promised it would come under
separate cover as soon as it was completed, and the state has been waiting on
it ever since."
Hannah shook her
head. "They probably never intended
to complete one. Just hope the state
forgot about it in time."
said David. "It would have been
pretty easy to do. Barry told me that
with one approval already granted to them, it's doubtful anyone else would be
asking any more questions about this project."
the Sheriff said. "Well, that alone
might put a stop to them."
"It might
for the short term," David said, "but possibly not in the long
run. We need a more permanent
"We'll get
to that. What else?"
"I've been
on the phone with editors at five different newspapers," Ben said, speaking up next. "I've been trying to find out everything
I can about our visitors from out of town, their past projects, relationship
with the law, and so on. It seems that
they've started developments all over the eastern seaboard, and finished none
of them."
"We found
out as much last night," said Seth.
"Never you
Ben smiled. "Anyway, what you may not have found out
from your nocturnal investigations was that two of the three partners in the
Limited, Bruce Monroe and Frances Decker, both did time in a federal prison for
fraud and conspiracy. Neither was in for
very long. But these incidents were
closely linked with the subsequent foreclosure on the unfinished hotels in
three different states. There are some
unhappy towns out there, Sheriff, ruined because of half-finished ugly
buildings in them. It would be in our
best interest to not let ours become one of them."
"Yeah, tell
me something I don't know," said Mort.
"Wiley, you said you had something."
right, Sheriff," said the old lobsterman.
"It's funny that Mr. Devlin here should mention conspiracy, because
I do believe I stumbled across one just last night after I put in from a day
hauling. There were two men, talking about
that Greeling's Bluff Ordinance Miss Fletcher was looking for, all worried that
she'd found something after all that someone'd eventually stumble over. I heard one of them making arrangements to do
something about it."
"Could you
tell who they were?" asked Seth.
Wiley shook his
head. "No," he said, "it
was getting too dark, and I couldn't see any faces. I might remember their voices if I were to
hear them again."
"What sort
of arrangements did that one make?" asked Hannah.
say. He wasn't too specific. But it was with somebody else, somebody he
called on his phone."
"When was
this, Wiley?" Mort asked.
Wiley leaned back
in his chair. "Oh, 'bout when it
was getting dark," he said.
"I'd say somewhere between seven, eight o'clock."
"Andy," Mort said, "get on the phone with
Laticia and see if she can trace that cell phone call. There can't have been that many last
Sheriff," said Andy, getting up.
"We found
this, Sheriff," said Helen, standing and holding out the small piece of
brass hardware. Mort took it and looked
at it.
"Where'd you
find this?" he asked.
Jessica's garden," Helen said.
"We went
over there this morning to look after her flowers," Lillian said.
Seth looked taken
aback. "Why, Helen, Lillian, you
knew I was going over there to do that!
Don't you have any faith at all in me as a gardener?"
Lillian and Helen
exchanged looks. "Well ... "
Helen said.
There was an
insistent knock on the door of the coffeeshop.
With an exasperated sigh Hannah got up and opened it. Niles Horton stood outside.
"Can't you
see we're closed?" she said.
"I know,
Hannah," Niles said, "but I saw people in here and I really have to
use the phone. Can I come in just for a
Hannah paused,
considering, then said "Oh, all right.
But make it quick," and stood aside to let him pass.
"Thank you,
I appreciate it," said Niles, and setting his briefcase down on the lunch
counter, he went over to the phone booth just as Andy was coming out.
Andy gave Niles a
strange look, and went over to Mort.
"Sheriff," he said, bending down and speaking in a low voice
so he wouldn't be overheard, "Laticia says that there was only one call
placed with a cellular phone between seven and eight last night."
"Yeah? Who made the call?"
"She said it
would take more time to find that out.
But at the moment, you might be more interested to know who he was
calling." And he nodded in the
direction of the phone booth.
Mort caught on
quickly, as did everyone else at the table.
Then he looked down at the brass trinket in his hand, and had an
idea. He got up and held it up to
Horton's briefcase - where it matched the latch holding it shut, the mate of
which was missing.
"Well, what
do you know," he said.
At that moment
Niles emerged from the phone booth.
"Thank you, Hannah, I won't disturb you anymore," he said, and
picking up his briefcase he headed for the door. Hannah stepped in front of it and blocked his
escape with her ample frame, her arms crossed and a stern look in her eye.
"Just a
minute, Mr. Horton," Mort said.
"We've got a couple of questions we'd like to ask you. How'd you lose this clasp off your
Horton looked at
it and frowned. "I didn't even know
it was missing," he said.
"Where did you find it?"
"Out in back
of Mrs. Fletcher's house this morning," Mort said. "How did it get there?"
"I haven't
got the faintest idea," said the lawyer.
Then he paused, and said, "Unless someone is trying to frame
see," Mort said. "Why don't
you open that briefcase for us?"
there are sensitive papers in there that my clients would want to remain
"I promise
not to read upside down. Open it."
Niles looked very
uncomfortable. He looked around for a
way out, but with Hannah guarding the front door and Floyd and Andy standing by
the back way, there was none to be found.
Reluctantly, he set down the briefcase, released the remaining latch,
and lifted the lid. Inside was a small
folded computer.
Jessica's laptop!" Seth exclaimed.
"Do you want
to explain how Mrs. Fletcher's computer wound up in your briefcase, Mr.
Horton?" Mort asked.
Niles sighed and
sat down heavily in an empty chair.
"It was the Limited's idea," he said. "They contacted me and offered me ten
thousand dollars if I would just ... break into the empty house and take away
anything that she might have kept notes on about Greeling's Ordinance. They told me in particular to be sure to get
the computer. But there wasn't anything
on it!" he said angrily. "I just
called them to tell them that. I spent
all morning searching files and trying passwords, and there's nothing
because I lied to Eve Simpson when I told her that Jessica kept notes to
herself on her computer about whatever it was she was looking in to," said
Seth. "She never did. On paper, maybe, but never on the
computer. Probably because she was
afraid this might happen someday."
Niles looked
Mort looked
disgusted. He motioned to Floyd and
Andy. "Take him down to the station,"
he said. "We'll deal with this
"Important a
break as that might be," said Seth, as the two deputies led the lawyer
past the scowling Hannah and out of the shop, "I believe that my news is
the most important of all, and I'm oh so glad that you let me go
last." He took a deep breath, then
said, "Contrary to the popular
gossip being spread around this town, Jessica did not suffer a bullet wound,
she took a crossbow bolt in the chest."
"That's not
what I heard," said Hannah.
"That's not
what I heard," said Ben.
"That's not
what I heard," said Helen.
"No, it
isn't, but it's the truth," Seth said.
"And she took that arrow for this." He removed a small
leather-bound book from inside his jacket, opened it to a marked page, and put
it on the table before them.
Ben quickly
scanned the page. "Greeling's
Ordinance!" he said in amazement.
"A copy of the actual law!
Seth, how did you come by it?"
"I can't
take the credit for this," Seth said.
"It was Jessica who used her last strength to protect this book so
we could find it. But important as this
is, what with saving Cabot Cove from evil developers and all, there is
something even more important that I have to share with you."
Mayor Sam Booth
was conferring with Mort when his secretary Mabel stuck her head into the room.
"Someone to
see you, Mayor," she said, and the two men looked up as Todd Maddox came
into the office followed by his partners and Eve Simpson. Niles Horton was conspicuously absent.
"Something I
can do for you folks?" Sam asked.
"We have the
final approved plans for the development, Mayor," Maddox said, flourishing
a rolled up set of blueprints. "We
just wanted to skim them past you for your approval before we started breaking
that's awfully kind of you, Mr. Maddox, but I don't think it will be
necessary. You see," Sam said,
standing up to the full extent of his short height, "it looks like the
town council will be able to block your project after all, before it even gets
off the drawing board."
Maddox looked
taken aback. The people behind him
exchanged nervous glances.
"Oh?" he said.
"Has some new information come to light?"
"Not new
information, just some old. The Sheriff
here was just telling me how he believes that copies of all the old town council
records may be stored in the library archives.
Isn't that right, Sheriff?"
"Right. First thing tomorrow we're going over there
to have a look. Probably that's where
Jessica Fletcher was looking for some record of Greeling's Ordinance the night
she was murdered. She certainly didn't
carry those files away with her, so they must still be buried back there
someplace. We'll find them. If I were you," he said to Maddox, a
grin spreading across his face, "I'd save some time and start packing up
that heavy machinery now."
Maddox rolled up
his blueprints, turned on his heel, and left the office without another
word. His partners followed suit, but
Eve Simpson hung back.
"Was Jessica
really on to something when she died?" she asked.
"I don't
know," said Mort. "We'll find
out tomorrow."
Eve left the
office with a thoughtful look on her face.
Late that same
night, when the town had mostly retired and the streets were quiet and
deserted, a figure approached the library, a can of gasoline in hand. The front doors of the structure had been
locked that day by orders of Sheriff Metzger, pending his search of the
premises the next morning. With
deliberate care that no one was around to see him, he pulled out a pair of
hedge clippers and cut the chains looped around the handles. They fell to the ground with an eerie rattle,
and for a moment he froze, startled, making sure that no one had heard the
noise. Then he laid a gloved hand on the
door handle, and went in.
Inside everything
was very quiet and dark. The intruder
pulled out a flashlight and cast its light around, checking everything out to
be sure, and then, setting the light on a reading table, he unscrewed the top
of the can and began to slosh gasoline around the base of a few of the
stacks. He took a cigarette lighter out
of his pocket, and had just flicked up the tiny flame when a desk lamp came on,
flooding the room with dim light.
"I wouldn't
toss that, if I were you," said Mort Metzger. "Put it down, nice and easy."
The lighter's
flame was extinguished, and the gloved hand slowly set it down next to the
flashlight. Todd Maddox looked up and
faced Mort and Seth. Andy and Floyd were
lurking in the background.
"Looking for
this?" Seth asked, holding up the zoning board book that Jessica had
fallen on. Maddox paled. "Yes, I figured you might be. Because in this book is the written proof
that Greeling's Bluff is provided by law to remain forever wild. Greeling's Ordinance. The only thing that was going to stop your
godawful condominiums and hotels from going up like toadstools just north of
"How - how
did you know it was me?" Maddox asked.
said Mort. "You arranged for Niles
Horton to break into Mrs. Fletcher's house on your cell phone. So we checked the phone company records to
see if that same cellular signal was registered at all between seven and nine
PM the night she was murdered. It
wasn't. You weren't on the phone with
your secretary at all.
"A lot of
people had a lot to lose if your development went bust, but you had the most by
far. We checked on the status of some of
your past projects along the East Coast.
Five of the seven are closed down construction sites, still unfinished. The two you did come close to finishing are
being repossessed by the bank. Not a
very good record. No wonder you were so
desperate to make this one work."
"I'd bought
the land already," Maddox said.
"It was with my own personal funds.
That part of the deal was done.
We pulled out of the other projects, put all of our resources into this
project, and made it as big as we could for the best financial return. Everything depended on our making a lot of
money on Greeling's Bluff."
"Which is
why the plans for the project became bigger and bigger with every
adjustment," said the Sheriff.
"We didn't
know until the ink was already dry that there was an injunction on the books
prohibiting development! But what were
we supposed to do - just sit on all that worthless land? I had to make this project work, so that we
could bail out the others."
"So you
torched the town offices to get rid of all the written records of the old
ordinance," Mort said.
nodded. "It was cheaper, faster,
and easier than trying to get the law removed from the books through the
courts. I didn't have the time or the
money for a legal battle. Besides,"
he sneered, "after all the resistance we encountered from this ignorant
backwater town, we figured you had it coming to you anyway."
"What about
Jessica Fletcher?" Seth asked.
"Did she 'have it coming' to her as well?"
"What are
you talking about? I wasn't even here
the night she was shot."
Mort said. "We talked to the
librarian; she swears she never saw you set foot in this building since you've
been in town."
"There. You see?" said Maddox.
"For a man
who's never been inside this library, you certainly knew right away which
shelves to douse with gasoline, Mr. Maddox," said a soft voice from the
Maddox turned to
face it, and took in a sharp breath. A
tall figure wearing a loose-fitting white gown and carrying a candle stepped
forward, until it stood just outside the light of the lamp. The darkness concealed the figure's face, but
when she raised the candle to it, there was no mistaking the golden hair, the
large sea-grey eyes.
Maddox said, his face a twisted mask of rage and fear. "No ..."
"You look
like you've seen a ghost, Mr. Maddox," Jessica said.
Maddox stood there and stared, oblivious to
all else. "You're supposed to be
dead! I shot you myself! It was the only
way – you were jeopardizing this project!
It was worth too much!"
enough to commit murder?"
Maddox snarled
and pulled out a small gun with a silencer.
"If I have to kill you twice, I will!" he said, and fired six
times right at her heart. Six muffled
shots sounded out before anyone could react, but not one of them hit
Jessica. When Maddox had run out of
bullets, she calmly set down the candle on the table, blew it out, and walked
toward him.
“To quote another
writer, Mr. Maddox,” she said, “’rumors of my death have been greatly
exaggerated.’” She reached out and took
the gun from Maddox's unresisting hand.
Fletcher survived your attempt on her life," Mort said, drawing his own
gun. "Somehow she knew it would be you showing up here tonight, so we
replaced the bullets in your gun with blanks when we searched your room at the
Hill House. The only murder here was the
murder she wrote. Floyd, Andy - get him out of here and book him. Arson and attempted murder."
Andy nodded, and
he and Floyd came up to fasten Maddox's hands behind his back with
handcuffs. "Come on," he said,
and they led him away.
When they had
gone, Jessica sagged against the table, wincing.
to be a ghost more of an effort than you thought it would be?" Seth asked
dryly as he came over to help her. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
"Yeah, but
it was worth it to see the look on Maddox's face," Mort said. He draped her trenchcoat over her shoulders
and helped her stand up. "Come on,
Mrs. F. It's been a long day."
And so Jessica
walked back out into the land of the living, and the town she had helped
save. She looked around from the steps
of the library. It was a black night,
overcast and dark, a cold, bitter wind blowing in mournfully from the Sea. The
blackened, burned out shell of the town offices stood prominently just down the
street, the flashing lights on the patrol car lit everything with a harsh red
and blue glare, and it was beginning to rain.
"Cabot Cove
never looked so beautiful," she said.
Back at the
house, Seth got Jessica settled in a comfortable chair by the fireplace and
changed the dressing on her bandage. He
had finished tucking her in with a blanket and was rewrapping the extra
bandages around his hand when there was a knock at the front door. Seth went to answer it, and found Mort
standing on the front step with a bag in his hands.
Doc," he said. "Mrs. F up for a visitor?"
"Come on in,
Mort," Jessica called from the living room.
Mort set down the
bag as the two men joined her. "How
are you feeling, Mrs. F?" Mort asked.
"Better, now
that it's over," she replied.
"Yeah, well,
we booked Maddox an hour ago, on fraud, arson, and two counts of attempted
said Seth. "You could have very easily been adding just plain 'murder' to
that list as well." He gave Jessica a meaningful look. Jessica smoothed the quilt that covered her
and avoided his eyes.
"Well, I
think we have more than enough to keep him behind bars even without that,"
said the Sheriff. "Particularly
with Niles Horton offering to testify in exchange for clemency. Pardon me for asking, but I never did hear
this whole story. I mean, when I saw you
in that library the other night, it sure looked like you had written your last
chapter, Mrs. F. Next thing I know
you're actually alive and Doc's dragging me into this whole conspiracy
thing. What happened?"
Jessica looked to
Seth, who picked up the tale. "I was too late to stop Maddox," he
said, "but when I reached her she was still alive. There wasn't much time, though. Her pulse was getting thready and she had
already lost a lot of blood. I was
certain she would die on the way to the hospital." Here he paused and glanced at Jessica, who
said nothing. "Anyhow," he resumed, "the arrowhead was very deep,
but somehow had avoided hitting anything vital.
I took it out, and sat back to wait.
She came to around midnight."
"And that's
when you decided to fake your death," Mort said.
right," Jessica said. "I was
in no condition to take an active role in this investigation any further. Today was my first day up! Also, Maddox was convinced that the last
knowledge of Harold Greeling's Ordinance had died with me. So long as he believed this, I was safe, but
if he were to find out that I was still alive, he would have come after me
"It was the
only way to guarantee her safety," Seth added. "The ransacking of this house proved the
wisdom of that."
"I also
hoped that with me out of the way, the killer would get careless and make some
mistake that we could pick up on - which he did," Jessica said.
"Yeah, what
was it that finally tipped you off?" Mort asked.
"Well, it
was when you came and told me about the conversation you'd had with Todd
Maddox. He mentioned how strange it was
that I had been killed with a crossbow.
'What a way to go,' he said. But
that was one of the things we tried to keep quiet. Sure enough, I checked with Seth, and none of
the other rumors floating around town mentioned anything about crossbows or
arrows. Lots of people knew I'd been
shot, but they all assumed it was with a gun.
Maddox would have known otherwise only if he had been there."
"Yeah, well
Maddox said he threw the bow into the harbor; we'll have it by next low tide,
I'm sure."
"How was the
damage control?" she asked anxiously.
"Not too
bad. Ben Devlin didn't like the gag
order we put on him, but he obeyed it, and that was enough to keep the rumors
local. And if Loretta's Beauty Parlor is
carrying on as usual, truth will replace rumor in no time." Mort shook his
head. "I've gotta hand it to you,
Mrs. F, your plan worked, but you sure had the whole town going there for
"I think
you've pestered my patient enough for now, Sheriff," Seth said with
authority. "She exhausted herself
enough as it was getting out of bed when she did, I don't need you exhausting
her any further!"
Mort smiled and
stood up. "Sure thing, Doc,"
he said, picking up his hat. "Oh -
I almost forgot -" he reached over to the chair where he'd set down his
bag - "we got your laptop back."
He pulled the little computer out of the bag and handed it to Jessica,
who accepted it gratefully. "Doc
and me had quite a time cleaning up this place after this was taken. Anyway - I'll stop by later.”
Jessica smiled at
him. "Thanks, Mort."
After Mort left,
Jessica looked sternly at her friend.
"You didn't need to chase him away like that, Seth. I'm perfectly fine!"
"Which of us
here is the doctor, woman?" Seth retorted. "Now - would you like a
cup of tea?"
"I'd love
one," she said.
Seth went to the
kitchen and made up a cup from the hot water left in the kettle. When the tea was ready, he carried it out to
the living room - only to find Jessica fast asleep in her chair, still holding
on to her laptop computer.
wouldn't that just figure," he said softly to himself. He took the cup of tea over to another chair
and sat down with it to watch over her.
Seth was about to take a sip of it himself when a thought occurred to
him, and instead he raised the cup in a silent tribute.
Rain pattered
against the window panes, and the wind sighed, as though regretting that it
could not reach the warm fire inside the house.
And so Jessica slept, and around her Cabot Cove slept, and the Sea, ever
restless, murmured on and on in the night.
The next morning,
as the flowers of her garden bloomed with all the glory of Spring, Jessica sat
down at the kitchen table with her laptop computer. She sat there for a moment in thought, then
began to type.
"Dear Friends," she wrote,
Tonight on "Murder, She Wrote",
you have watched
our last and final weekly
episode. My gratitude and
appreciation to all of you, our great
family of viewers
who along with me have solved 264 murder
over twelve great years.
Love, Jessica Fletcher
She printed out
her letter, held it up to reread it, and smiled. Jessica lay it in the brown leather folder
with the embossed gold lettering, and when she shut its cover, she found at
last the peace she was looking for.