Welcome to the definitive guide to "Murder, She Wrote" (1984 - 1996), one of the longest running drama series in television history. This site is a work in progress, evolving and growing as we get our hands on new material, so bookmark us and visit often!


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New Fan Fiction! - We have three new stories posted, one from established author Viki, and two from new authors Grace Be and T. Waters. Check them out on the Fan Fiction page.

"Ten Secrets of Murder She Wrote" half-hour special to aired on Cozi TV September 20th! - Cozi TV is a digital sub channel of NBC and is broadcast over the air all over the country. It's also carried on many national cable television systems. For those who are able to watch it over the air or on cable, the special's air date will be Wednesday September 20th at 10pm eastern time. If you don't have access to Cozi TV, you'll be able to watch the show online the next day, Thursday September 21st, at www.cozitv.com. - click on Video.

All the News That's Fit to Post! - Want to keep up with everything current in the world of MSW? Join the discussion on the Definitive Guide's Facebook page, Google+ page, and tumblr blog. I've been trying to post news almost every day, so check it out and be sure to "Like" us, "Follow" us, "Add" us to your circles ... whatever!

Got an Apple iDevice? - Want to have the Definitive Guide's website at your fingertips? Want a cool little MSW icon on your home screen? Make the Definitive Guide a webapp on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad! How do I do this, you ask? It's easy. Open up the Definitive Guide in your Safari app. Then touch the little box with the arrow in it at the top of the page. Select "Add to Home Screen." Badda-bing, badda-boom.

Episode Guide

A complete listing of every MSW episode ever aired, chronologically, in alphabetical order, or by DVD disc. Expanded guides with cast lists and synopses for each episode are also available, linked to each season.

Peter S. Fischer Interview

- An exclusive interview with Peter S. Fischer, co-creator of Murder, She Wrote, who has come out of retirement to write a series of new mystery novels, The Hollywood Murder Mysteries.

Fan Fiction

The crown jewel of this website, this page displays the works of several talented MSW fan writers, all for your enjoyment. (PS: We are once again taking fan fiction submissions - click on the Fan Fiction page link for details.)

Writer's Workshop

Now big enough to deserve a main index link of its own, the Writer's Workshop is home to writing challenges and other exercises for novice and experienced writers alike.

Book Reviews

There's a surprisingly large body of MSW related literature out there, and it's all listed here, with a little book review of each one by yours truly.


When you start collecting newspaper clippings in 1984, you end up with ... a really big scrapbook. Twenty-five-plus years of archival materials are in the process of being posted here.

Photo Gallery

A collection of images from my personal archives, grouped by season.

Episode Guide

Providing a concise biography of the legendary actress that brought Jessica to life, including complete film, theater, and television credits, and a listing of awards that she has been nominated for and won.

MSW History

The most comprehensive chronology detailing the history of MSW, from its inception to the present day.


Enjoy crunching the numbers? The statistics page has a nice collection of them, along with some interesting trivia, a list of my personal favorite episodes, and a Who's Who-style guide to recurring characters.

Cabot Cove

Can you find Cabot Cove on a map? Sure, depending on whose map you use. Check out this photo collection, and see for yourself.

Books by JB Fletcher

The Corpse Danced at Midnight may have launched Jessica's career, but it would prove to be only the first of many, many titles written by this prolific author. The ones we know about are all listed here.

Legacy Interactive

News, screenshots, and reviews of Legacy Interactive's Murder, She Wrote hidden object games for PC and Mac.


A page of peer-reviewed links to other interesting websites and pages related to MSW.


How well do you think you know Murder, She Wrote? Test your knowledge of all things trivial, then score yourself and see how much you really know. (Maybe you know too much!)

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions: We try to answer the burning questions asked by MSW fans - and other questions that are just kind of interesting.

Postcards from Cabot Cove

"Postcards from Cabot Cove," the Definitive Guide's MSW blog, is open and ready for comments.

Fan Listmania

Share your list of favorite MSW episodes, and see which episodes other readers picked!

"A Walking Tour of Gin and Daggers London" - When we went to London in 2008 we checked out some of the landmarks mentioned in Donald Bain's first MSW book, Gin and Daggers. Check out our photo album and see how we did.

Author's Homepage

A brief bio about your humble webmaster.


A complete list of the source material used to make this website what it is.

Email Us

Now that I have an e-mail address with an adequate spam filter, you can once again make your voice heard to the webmaster. E-mail your questions, comments, complaints, and suggestions - if I'm not too busy dealing with my Real Life, I'll try to respond.


Please click on the image above to sign and view our guestbook.

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DISCLAIMER: None of the persons responsible for this fan website have any official ties to anyone involved in the production of Murder, She Wrote or with CBS, Universal Studios, or Corymore Productions. Despite this lack of connections, I guess we've done a pretty fair job, don't you think?